Holiday Cards are one of the highlights of the season for me.
It is the one time of year that I can't wait for the mail to come each day.
Greetings and pictures from friends and family just make me smile.
It is no surprise, most of my favorite cards come from Minted.
Simple but special designs and beautiful thick paper get me every time.
I have been in awe of Minted since it started in 2007 and
I had the honor of hearing their founder and CEO, Mariam Naficy,
at the Altitude Design Summit Conference in San Francisco.
She spoke about how the company started, how she was told numerous times by experts that it would fail and how they have evolved into the dynamic and very successful company that they are.
She was encouraging to small business owners and bloggers like me, to keep going and don't let anyone tell you that you don't have a good idea.
So if you don't have your card yet,
(or holiday tags, labels, etc. they have it all)
don't worry,
head over to Minted.
I absolutely love their manifesto too...
Minted Manifesto:
Allow the best designs to surface based on community interaction and not based on where a designer was educated, what type of capital or connections they have, or anything besides the pure quality of a design as judged by the community. We think this is the future of retail.
I have been compensated by for this post but ALL opinions are 100% my own. They really are the best.

Beautiful cards!